13th Arkadi M. Rywlin International Pathology Slide Symposium in Anatomic Pathology
Course Directors
David Suster
Department of Pathology, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey
Michael Michal
Sikl´s Department of Pathology Charles University Hospital and Medical Faculty Plzeň, Czech Republic, and Bioptická laboratoř s.r.o., Plzeň, Czech Republic
Organizing and Scientific Committee
Saul Suster
Professor and Chairman Emeritus Department of Pathology Medical College of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI, USA
Michal Michal
Sikl´s Department of Pathology Charles University Hospital and Medical Faculty Plzeň, Czech Republic, and Bioptická laboratoř s.r.o., Plzeň, Czech Republic
Local Organizing Committee
Marian Svajdler
Sikl´s Department of Pathology Charles University Hospital and Medical Faculty Plzeň, Czech Republic, and Bioptická laboratoř s.r.o., Plzeň, Czech Republic
Kristyna Pivovarcikova
Sikl´s Department of Pathology Charles University Hospital and Medical Faculty Plzeň, Czech Republic, and Bioptická laboratoř s.r.o., Plzeň, Czech Republic
The Arkadi M. Rywlin (AMR) International Pathology Slide Seminar Club is a nonprofit organization created in 1991, an organization dedicated to exchange of interesting and chalenging cases and to promote and advance the exchange of ideas among academic pathologists throughout the world in a spirit of cooperation and collegiality.
The meetings are based on short presentations of interesting and challenging cases by the AMR club members, the format of the symposium is an extended slide seminar. In addition, there will be plenary lectures by experts on current topics.
The symposium will focus mainly on diagnostic problems and controversies in surgical pathology and will be of interest to general surgical pathologists and trainees in pathology.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Czech Republic!
Participating / Faculty will be published later.
Language: English
Program: Program will be published later.
Certificate of attendance: An application will be made to the EACCME(R) for CME accreditation of this event.
Please register online at this page or click the button below.
Early bird registration fee:
until May 31, 2025, Payment deadline: May 31, 2025
Regular early bird € 280
Early bird Special € 200 (price for members of the Czech and Slovak Society of Pathologists)
Regular registration:
from May 31, 2025 to June 11, 2025, Payment deadline: June 11
Regular € 330
Special € 250 (price for members of the Czech and Slovak Society of Pathologists)
Registration fee includes: access to all slides, participation in all scientific sessions, light lunches, coffee breaks, and welcome dinner on Monday.
The fee does NOT include: Accommodation and any other services not explicitly stated.
For registered foreign guests we offer individual transportation from/to Prague airport for € 100 per person (both trips from/to airport), provided the exact flight information (flight number, date and time of arrival/departure) are supplied by a registered participant by June 6, 2025 at the latest. Please send your flight details to amr2025@biopticka.cz.
There will be dinner for speakers and participants (Tuesday evening). Price is € 35 per person.
Meeting fee will not be refunded after payment.
For cancellation policy of the hotels, please, contact the web-sites hotels and hostels.